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Privacy Policy

True Manufacturing is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains our information gathering and dissemination practices. If you have questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy please contact True Manufacturing.

1. WHAT INFORMATION IS COLLECTED. We collect a limited amount of information from you in certain areas of the True Manufacturing web site (the “Site”) for various reasons. The following is a description of what information is collected:

Collection of some information is necessary to use certain areas of the site. Applicant information is collected from the employment section and maintained for an indefinite period of time. This information may be used for future employment consideration.

Third party features of the Site may require a separate registration. You should review the applicable privacy policies of these third party features before providing personally identifiable information. True Manufacturing is not responsible for any actions or policies of such third parties.

IP Addresses. An IP address is a number assigned to your computer when you connect to the Internet. As part of the protocol of the Internet, web servers can identify your computer by its IP address. In addition, web servers may be able to identify the type of browser and/or type of computer you are using. True Manufacturing collects IP addresses and related information for the purposes of system administration, to assess the traffic to the Site, to report aggregate information and to maintain and improve the Site. We do not link IP addresses to your personally identifiable information. We can and will use IP addresses, however, to identify a user when we feel it is necessary to enforce compliance with our Terms and Conditions or to protect our service, the Site, customers or others.

Use Of Cookies. Cookies are small bits of information that some web sites (including the Site) transfer to an individual’s hard drive for research purposes. True Manufacturing uses cookies to analyze the traffic, such as total visitors and pages viewed on the Site, and make improvements based on the data we collect. True Manufacturing never saves passwords or credit card information in cookies. We work to protect the security of all information by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), an advanced encryption technology from Verisign. We do not maintain or reveal your credit card numbers after your order is processed.

The use of cookies has become a standard in the industry, especially at web sites that provide any kind of personalized service. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can usually set your browser to refuse cookies or indicate when a cookie is being sent. If you refuse cookies, you may not be able to use some of the functionality of the Site. The Site’s advertisers and other partners may also use cookies in connection with the services and web sites to which the Site links. We do not control these cookies.

2. WHO IS COLLECTING THIS INFORMATION. True Manufacturing collects the information described above via the Site. In the case of third party features such as advertising, co-branded areas or links to other web sites, such third parties may also collect information. You should review the applicable privacy policies of these third parties before providing personally identifiable information. True Manufacturing is not responsible for any actions or policies of such third parties.

3. HOW COLLECTED INFORMATION IS USED. True Manufacturing tracks how visitors use the Site and to measure areas of interest. This allows True Manufacturing to build features and functionality that will enhance your Site experience. Applicant information is used to contact you about employment opportunities with True. Address information is only required if you request literature, parts, technical assistance, or want someone from True to contact you.

4. WITH WHOM THE INFORMATION MAY BE SHARED. At True, we are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect about you to process orders or requests. All information is collected over our secure servers and encrypted for your safety. True does NOT sell or provide specific customer information to any other company or organization.

We will not knowingly disclose or authorize the disclosure of personal identifiable information to any third party unless (1) we have reason to believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may have breached our Web Site Usage Policy or who may be causing injury to or interference with (either intentionally or unintentionally) True Manufacturing’s rights or property, other Site users, or anyone else who could be harmed by such activities or (2) we believe in good faith that the law requires it.

5. LINKS TO OTHER WEB SITES. While you are using the Site, you may be linked or directed to other third party web sites outside the Site that are beyond True Manufacturing’s control. Each of these third parties may have a privacy policy different from that of True Manufacturing. These links and banners may take you to the web sites of advertisers, sponsors and co-branding partners. True Manufacturing is not responsible for any actions or policies of such third parties. These other web sites may send their own cookies to users, collect data or solicit personal information. You should review the applicable privacy policies of these third party web sites before providing personally identifiable information.

6. SECURITY PROCEDURES WE USE. We are very concerned with the security of your personally identifiable information and take great care in providing secure transmission of your information from your computer to our servers. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us.

Once we receive your information, we take appropriate steps that we believe are reasonable to protect the security of your data on our system, both internally and from outsiders, and to ensure the integrity of the data we collect. We use a combination of technological and policy methods to protect this data. We work to protect the security of all information by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), an advanced encryption technology from Verisign. We do not maintain or reveal your credit card numbers after your order is processed. It is important for you to protect against unauthorized use of your password and computer. If you use this site, you are responsible for keeping your account number and password confidential. You agree to accept all responsibility for all activities or transactions on your account when your account number and password are in use. Please be aware that True Manufacturing will never ask you for your password in an unsolicited phone call or e-mail.

7. CHANGES IN THESE TERMS. We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time and will post notices on the Site at the time of any material changes to this Privacy Policy. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of changes to these terms will mean you accept those changes.

If you have questions or concerns regarding True Manufacturing’s Privacy Policy, please e-mail True Manufacturing at policyquestions@truemfg.com.

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